

Dog Training

Good doggy! We offer quality dog training here at Old Stage Kennel. Our dog trainer can travel to your home or train here at the Old Stage Kennel Resort. Drop your dog off at the kennel for K9 Academy. 
Group Lessons are a 6 week class, 1 day a week. We offer Obedience 1, Obedience 2, and Puppy classes.

Puppy Classes are offered for new members of the family from ages 10-20 weeks. In this class we start imprinting name recognition, leash work, sit, stay, come, and basic grooming manners. This class is perfect for socialization.

Obedience 1 is for puppies 20 weeks+ Here we master sit, stay. down, recall, healing and leash work.

Obedience 2 will incorporate all of obedience one with distraction. You will also learn the next level for your pet.

Once your pet has mastered the basics, we can offer advanced training. Other types of training available include protection training, tracking, confidence building, competition obedience, and behavior issues. Any and all training is a successful way to build the bond, trust, and love between you and your pet. We hope to see your dog as one of our students soon!